Committee of recommendation
The committee supports the content concept of the 2022 summer exibitition. The organisation expresses their gratitude for its commitment.
- Dr Heiko Wingenfeld (mayor Fulda)
- Viktor V. Herzog von Ratibor und Fürst von Corvey, Prinz zu Hohenlohe-Schillingfürst-Breunner-Enkevoirth
- Dr Martine van Loon – Labouchere (grandmistress of queen Beatrix)
- Dr Jeroen Koch (author of the famous King William I biography)
- Mr Frederik Willem Graaf van Hogendorp (descendent of one of the founders of the Dutch monarchy who together with King William l drew up the Dutch Constitution)
- Mrs Laure-Isabelle Mellerio (director and artistic director of the jewellery house Mellerio)
Image: Koninklijke Verzamelingen / Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk